Monday, August 29, 2011

From the Principal's Chair...

Life really does look different from the other side of the "big desk"...the paperwork, the troubleshooting, the being-the-one-who-has-to-be-responsible.  I'm really enjoying it...but at the same time I am bemoaning the fact that, while Being Principal is only 1/3 of my job, it is eating up all of my time so far.  This is the list of things I'd rather be getting accomplished because they have to be done before school and they are more fun than phone calls:

1. Clearing out my new classroom.
2. Setting up my new classroom.
3. Decorating my new classroom.
4. Creating hallway bulletin boards.
5. Getting my course outlines finished.
6. Contacting the families of my distance education students (Grades 3-5, fun stuff!).
7. Finishing setting up my new apartment.
8.  Making the office look less ugly (as I described to my Mom...finding art/decor which works with, yet doesn't clash with, the ugly!).

As you can tell by numbers 1 and 5, the office work is getting really old.

That said, school starts in one week!  Bring it on!  Just...not yet.

1 comment:

Shannon said...

My pleasure...glad you read it! :)